All about Vaginoplasty

Genital rejuvenation or tightening surgery is upswing amongst of the females today. Vagina tightening procedure is increasingly being conducted these days, especially amongst the young females who are very much concerned about looking better down there. Females who want to give their sexual partners enhanced pleasure during intercourse is also opting for this surgical procedure. This surgical procedure is referred as Vaginoplasty surgery or virginal tightening surgery. This is a surgical procedure that is basically prescribed to women after childbirth or females who are experiencing slackness in female genital area. It is also an effective procedure for patients with loose muscles and tissues surrounding female genital area. It helps them to achieve the natural size of their genital region or pre-pregnancy diameter.

This vaginal rejuvenation or Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi can help females to change or tighten their vaginal areas, thus making their sexual life pleasurable for both the partners. The surgical procedure is safe and conducted by specialist surgeon, Dr. Bhasin at Care Well Medical Center Delhi. Dr. Bhasin has over 17 years of hands-on experience in cosmetic surgery can design the surgical procedure as par the specific demands and problems of the patients. He has the expertise to perform the surgical procedure in best way possible with 48 hours consultation and ensure better recovery post surgery.

Trauma resulting from sexual assault, childbirth, women castration and weight gain are some of the reasons that can alter the natural shape and size of the vaginal area of females. There are some other genetic issues which may impact the formation of female reproductive system adversely, including appearance and shape of the vagina. So, Vaginoplasty in Delhi offered at Care Well Medical Center will not only help to restore the natural appearance of the labia, vagina and clitoris, but Dr. Bhasin also ensure that the surgical procedure can help patients to lead a better and healthy life ahead. But, Dr. Bhasin recommends proper consultation before the procedure to understand the procedure and the end results.

The privacy of each patient is paramount for Care Well Medical Center Delhi and all the records and Vaginoplasty surgery procedures carried out at the facility will be kept confidential and never be disclosed to unauthorized person.

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Helpline No.: Ms. Reena Handa
+91-9311 444 806

Best Packages available for Labiaplasty Surgery.

Why Vaginoplasty Surgery is Conducted?

For female anatomy vagina is very crucial. So, if you are experiencing any problem with your vaginal area or slackness around the vagina, then Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi would be the need of the hour. So, seek medical attention from reputed cosmetic surgeon at Care Well Medical Center Delhi immediately. Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi is a procedure that is basically designed for cosmetic purposes and to solve several medical issues that may arise with the female genital area.

At Care Well Medical Center Delhi, we offer laser vaginal rejuvenation procedure by specialists in the field. The laser Vaginoplasty surgery is conducted by Dr. Bhasin where the muscles of vagina are tightened. Females experiencing lose vaginal muscles are the right candidate for this surgical procedure. Moreover, Vaginoplasty surgery is also required when it comes to remove excessive tissues that happen due to multiple natural childbirths. It is also conducted to achieve cosmetic effects. Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi is basically required to get rid from damages and natural defects and also to reshape or resize the vagina and tighten it for more natural feel.

Benefits of Vaginoplasty Surgery

Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi is basically conducted to enhance the pelvic floor relaxation. This is a proven method to repair and resize the vagina after childbirth. Most of the women who are involved in multiple natural births often come with complain of damaged vaginal area. Natural births can stretch or tear the vaginal area. So, Vaginoplasty in Delhi can help such women to get back the natural shape and size of the vaginal area.

Another most important benefit of Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi is that it can enhance your sexual functions significantly. This is quite helpful for females who are experiencing any kind of sexual dysfunction. Whether you are feeling the same sensations during intercourse or have low libido, this surgical procedure would be the ultimate solution for you. The women who undergo this surgical procedure have the bright chance to enjoy optimal intimacy with her partner during intercourse.

Overall, Vaginoplasty surgery in Delhi at Care Well Medical Center can truly help benefits many women who are in need of confidence in their post childbirth appearance as it helps them to achieve the natural shape and boost their confidence for best sexual intimacy.

Why Consultation is Necessary Before the Surgical Procedure

Consultation with the surgeon is very important for each patient before they undergo the surgical procedure. Consultation before the procedure will help the surgeon to recognize the type of treatment employed which can help the patients to achieve the desired results. It is important for the patients to express all her expectations and concerns so that the surgeon can determine the precise procedure to achieve the desired results. The surgeon will let the patient know about the advantages, risk and after care so that patient can take care of it to enjoy faster and better recovery.

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Helpline No.: Ms. Reena Handa
+91-9311 444 806

Best Packages available for Labiaplasty Surgery.

How Vaginoplasty Surgery is Carried Out at Care Well Medical Center Delhi

At Care Well Medical Center all the cosmetic surgery including Vaginoplasty surgery is carried out under the supervision of renowned cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Bhasin. At the medical facility, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation as well as traditional vaginal tightening procedures is offered. The traditional surgical procedure involves incisions made with scalpel, while in laser procedure a laser beam is used where blood loss is minimal and also reduce the intensity and length of the recovery. The laser surgical procedure is also very helpful in treating prime symptoms of urinary incontinence and vaginal looseness.

The surgical procedure is performed under local anesthesia and conducted by experienced and renowned cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Bhasin who have rich expertise in female physiology and can revitalize the aesthetic structure of female genital area completely.

In the process, reconstruction incisions are made using laser in genital area so as to unite the loose muscles and tissues and make it shorten like before. The diameter of vaginal opening is comprehensively decreased by reducing the vaginal lining. The surgeon removes excessive skin and tightens the virginal. Once the procedure is over the surgeon stitches the incisions.

After Care

Since the muscles are tightened and the vagina has become smaller, it is necessary for the patients to take proper care of their vagina post surgery. The true results can be observed within 3 weeks and till then it is necessary to follow the instructions of the surgeon carefully. Swelling may occur around the vaginal area which will be alleviated after few days. To avoid infection in the incisions the surgeon will prescribe antibiotics. Sexual intercourse and other such activities with vagina should be avoided for at least 6 weeks.