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Care Well offers best Glycolic/Chemical Peel in Delhi, India in combination with best packages for the skin/face peels in Delhi. Consult our dermatologist, discuss your concerns like chemical peels for acne, wrinkles, sagging skin, sun burn or more & get the best advice. Get the glowing & flawless skin back with the application of chemical peels under medical supervision at our clinic situated in CR Park, South Delhi.
Table of Content
- What is a Chemical Peel?
- Types of Chemical Peel
- What Should Be Done First Before Considering a Chemical Peel?
- When is a Chemical Peel Appropriate?
- Who Is Not a Candidate for Chemical Peel?
- Are Chemical Peels Painful?
- What Are The Complications or Potential Side Effects of a Chemical Peel?
- What Can I Expect After Having a Chemical Peel?
- How Long Does it Take for Results to Show?
- Is Chemical Peels Safe for Pregnant Women?
- Things to Avoid After a Procedure
- Chemical Peels for Different Skin Conditions
- Acne Scars
- Aging Skin
- Crow's Feet
- Hyperpigmentation
- Melasma
- Scars
- Sun-Damaged Skin
- Sagging Skin
- Wrinkles

What is a Chemical Peel?
Soft skin and dewy complexion is a longing for many women, and as with age it starts to fade, women devote themselves to acquire it back but unfortunately many efforts, time and money go unprolific. If you are amongst those women who have spared no effort against healthy and younger looking skin for quite some time now, perhaps, you could consider a Chemical Peel.
A chemical peel is a medically confessed technique used to enhance the appearance of the skin on the face, hands and neck. In this procedure, a chemical solution is applied to the skin that stimulates it to exfoliate and ultimately peel off. The new replenished skin is generally softer, smoother and less creased than the old skin.
Chemical Peeling, also referred to as chemexfoliation is a wonderful technique to tackle with skin damage by flaking off the dead skin through caustic agents. In addition, it is followed by the emanation of cytokine and inflammatory mediators, which supports in the increase of dermal volume, build-up of collagen, and thickening of epidermis thereby enhancing the skin texture. It also further lowers down the solar elastosis (deposition of abnormal elastin or elastic tissue in the dermis of the skin) and realigns and replaces the fresh dermal connective tissue. It can improve skin texture and provide you a youthful and radiant skin appearance.
Lear More About Chemical Peels
This Chemical Peel is Gentle and Works! | The SASS with Susan and Sharzad
Chemical Peel for Acne & Scars: Before & After
Types of Chemical Peel
There are mainly 3 types of peels which are as given:
Lunchtime or Superficial Peel: To generate the appearance of light skin coloration, Alpha-hydroxy acid and some other mild acids are applied over the skin to perforate only the outer skin layer to gently exfoliate it.
Medium Peel: Glycolic acid or Trichloroacetic is used to perforate the outer and middle layers of skin to remove damaged skin tissues. This type of peel procedure is helpful in eliminating uneven skin, wrinkles, freckles, fine lines, blemishes, age spots and moderate skin discoloration. It is also useful in preventing some precancerous (condition that can develop in cancer) growth of skin.
Deep Peel: Tricholoracetic acid and Phenol are used to deeply and intensely perforate the middle skin layer to eliminate damaged skin tissues. The procedure is useful to abolish crow's feet, shallow scars, freckles, age spots, moderate lines, wrinkles and many other signs of aging.
What Should Be Done First Before Considering a Chemical Peel?
A comprehensive examination by a dermatologist is vital before commencing a chemical peel.
When is a Chemical Peel Appropriate?
Chemical peels are used to treat several skin conditions and signs of aging including:
- Scars
- Acne Scars
- Melasma
- Hyperpimentation
- Sagging skin
- Sun damaged skin
- Aging skin
- Crow's feet
- Wrinkles
- Freckles
- Blemishes or brown spots
Who Is Not a Candidate for Chemical Peel?
Typically fair complexioned and light-haired people are ideal candidates for a chemical peel. The procedure is known to work not as productively as on dark-skinned patients. Chemical peel is not recommended for anyone with infections, slit or broken skin, active skin disease, active Herpes simplex 1 sores or sunburns. Other counter-indications for patients who are not suitable for chemical peels include:
- Pregnant or Nursing
- Have dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea.
- Have consumed Accutane in past 6 months.
- Have used Renova, Retin-A, prescription skin products, products that consists of bleaching agents, skin-lightening agents, ascorbic acid or other acid-based products in the last 48 hours.
Are Chemical Peels Painful?
The constant question in your brain, whether or not “do chemical peels hurt” may be bothering you before going in for a procedure. The reality is, chemical peel procedures do not cause a great deal pain, but at times some people may encounter a sting-like sensation which is completely normal. The peels are an amalgamation of various light acids and chemicals e.g. fruit acids, glycolic acid, lactic and/or alpha-hydroxy acid. When the combination of chemical peel is applied on to your skin, it may sometimes cause irritation, redness, crusting, and stinging but as it begins penetrating the skin, these problems generally disappear by their own.
Trichloroacetic acid used in chemical peel concentration is very strong and is thereby used in stronger peelings.
Phenol is known to be the strongest chemical peels of all treatment types and removes deep lines, crow's feet, and wrinkles on the face and neck. This type of peel treatments sting more than those with the gentler acid chemicals. After the treatment there may be irritation, redness, swelling and a bit of inflammation, but the application of gels and ointments will alleviate these complications. As Patient start experiencing these problems, they should immediately consult a doctor so that he/she may prescribe medicines that will help deal with the problems after the peel.
What Are The Complications or Potential Side Effects of a Chemical Peel?
- Temporary or rarely permanent alteration in skin color, specifically in females who have recently taken the emergency contraceptive pill, are on birth control pills, or who afterwards become pregnant or have a history of brownish or patchy facial discoloration.
- Reactivation of cold sores
- Scarring
What Can I Expect After Having a Chemical Peel?
Alike other surgical or non surgical skin treatment, all peels also needs some follow-up care:
- Lunchtime or Superficial peels needs 1 to 7 days to heal. Treated skin at first will become red and may experience scaling. Gel or Lotion should be applied till the time skin heals, subsequently by regular use of sunscreen. There is generally no problem in wearing Makeup from the next day.
- Medium peels need somewhere between 1-2 weeks to heal. Treated skin in the first treatment will be swollen and red. Swelling retrogresses for the initial 48 hours. Eyelids may swell to close. Blisters may develop and burst. Skin crusts and peels off in 1-2 weeks. Skin must be absorbed routinely for a particular period, go along by gel application. Antiviral medication is given for 10 to 14 days. Application of Mild lotion or ointment is also useful. Avoid all sun exposure until it is fully healed. Camouflage makeup may be put on after 5 to 7 days. A follow-up appointment will be required to supervise improvements and progress.
- Deep peels needs 2 to 3 weeks to completely heal. A bandage dressing will be used to cover the treated area. Skin should be rinsed 4 to 6 times daily, followed by a cream application for the first 2 weeks. Thereupon a thick lotion is applied for the next 14 days. Antiviral medication is necessary to be taken for around 2 weeks. Mild cream or ointment may be applied. Make sure to keep away from all sun exposure for three to six months. Camouflage makeup may be put on after 14 days. Few follow-up appointments will be needed to check for progress.
How Long Does it Take for Results to Show?
Once the skin of a patient fully heals, the results will be noticeable. For a lunchtime peel, the period of healing varies from 1 day to 7 days and for a deep peel; it takes 15-20 days. A lunchtime peel works best if you seek quick results.
Is Chemical Peels Safe for Pregnant Women?
No. Chemical peels contain some gentle as well as strong acids and chemicals that may cause adverse effects to the fetal or an unborn baby. It is preferable to see your health care provider prior to going for any type of skin treatment.
Things to Avoid After a Procedure
Direct sun exposure, Smoking and excessive alcohol after getting a chemical peel must be avoided as they can lead to unwanted detrimental reactions, including skin infection, scarring, brownish marks and redness. The treated skin will be sensitive to sunlight.
Chemical Peels for Different Skin Conditions
Chemical Peels are a good option to effectively treat some willful skin conditions. Check here how peels work and benefit in the treatments of various signs of aging and skin damage:
Acne Scars
Acne scars are generally an outcome of inflamed blemishes caused by skin pores guzzled with excess oil, bacteria and dead skin cells. The pore swells, igniting a split down in the follicle wall. Shallow lesions are generally minor and heal rapidly. But if there is a deep crack in the wall of the pore, infected substance can overflow into surrounding tissue, forming deeper lesions. The skin tries to correct these lesions by creating new collagen fibers. These corrections are generally not as flawless and smooth as the original skin.

Chemical Peels for Treating Acne Scarring
Chemical peels like salicylic acid can be very useful to clear any active acne and help to dissipate any post inflammatory pigmentation.
There will be bit tightness, redness, and flaying which generally last 5-7 days depending on the intensity and depth of the peel being used.
What You Need to Know
There are 2 main types of acne scars:
Hypertrophic or keloid scarring- These scars are typically caused by an excessive collagen formation in the body by itself as acne wounds heal, leading to a mass of raised tissue on the skin's surface.
Atrophic or depressed scarring- These scars are caused by the loss of tissue. There are mainly 2 types of atrophic scarring. "Boxcar" scars are depressed areas, generally oval or rounded with steeply angled sides, same as chickenpox scars. "Icepick" scars generally tiny, yet evident dents in the skin.
Note that too much exposure in the sun can cause darkening of scars and make them look more obvious.
Over cleansing or scrubbing scarred areas can deteriorate skin elasticity and intensify the appearance of the scar. Bacteria from nails or dirty fingers further heighten the risk of additional cysts forming, leading to the formation of a larger scar. Do not Give up your scuffle on acne scars as new techniques - some chemical peels and non surgical procedures - can drastically improve both the appearance and depth of acne scars.
Aging Skin

Chemical Peels for Aging Skin
Chemical peels enhance the appearance of aging skin by applying a chemical solution to take off the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is generally softer and less creased in appearance. During the chemical peel procedure, patients may feel a little inflammation or sting lasting for 5 to 10 minutes. Cold compresses may be used to minimize the pain. Oral Pain medication may also be needed for deeper peels.
Why Choose Chemical Peels for Aging Skin
Chemical peel procedures for aging skin are typically used on the face, neck and hands. Fair-dermis and light-haired patients are usually the most suitable candidates for the procedure.
Chemical peels can be used to treat:
- Fine lines under the eyes or around the mouth
- Wrinkles, folds and creases
- Mild scarring
- Age spots, freckles and blemishes
- Sun damaged skin
- The overall outlook and feel of skin
How to Prepare for the Procedure
Before the procedure, you and your dermatologist should discuss expectations, potential side effects and results of the procedure.
What to Expect After the Procedure
Post treatment, patients may experience an effect as similar to sunburn in the treatment area. Patients may notice:
- Redness, swelling followed by scaling within 3 to 7 days.
- Blebs that will break, turn brown and peel off within 1 to 2 weeks following medium and deep peels.
- Bandages over treated areas for some days.
- Light peels may be repeated on intervals of one- to four-week. Medium-depth peels may be repeated at an interval of every 6 to 12 months.
Other treatment options for aging skin may include:
- Dermabrasion
- Liposuction
- Micro-liposuction
- Fractional Laser Resurfacing
- Laser Resurfacing
- Intense Pulsed Light Therapy
- Soft-tissue Fillers (Dermal Fillers)
- Combination: Soft-tissue Fillers and Neuromodulators
- Microdermabrasion
- Neuromodulators
- Non-ablative Skin Rejuvenation
Crow's Feet
Chemical Peels for Crow's Feet
Yes, chemical peels are quite effective at improving wrinkles and specifically the lower eyelid wrinkles or side corner wrinkles also known as crow's feet. A chemical peel like a “TCA peel” is better for softening the wrinkles around the eyes. The TCA Peel is also useful in improving the skin texture, fine wrinkling and pigmentation. However, phenol is a much stronger peel and a more preferred peeling agent too, for this purpose
The key is peeling to an appropriate depth. Usually to soften lower eyelid wrinkles, one requires having a peel that is of adequate depth. This means that deeper peels are to be performed to get the job done as any light peels performed by your cosmetologist won't work desirably for the same. Several light peels can't do the job instead of one stronger peel. This chemical peel procedure will provide you with the best result in a downtime of about 6 - 7 days.
Crow's feet are the fine lines that develop around the eyes. They are chiefly caused by overexposure in the sun, but smoking can also be a contributor.

How to Prepare for the Procedure
- Discuss your skin condition, treatment objectives with a view to identify the depth of chemical peel.
- Disclose any history of facial X-rays, persistent cold sores and/or scarring.
- Avoid any supplements and medicines that can cause blood clotting – such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or vitamin E – for at least10 days before surgery.
- Avoid using medications like Renova, Retin-A, or glycolic acid.
Other treatment options for crow's feet includes:
- Soft tissue fillers
- Neuromodulators (Botox)
- CO2 Laser resurfacing
- SmartXide or SmartSkin

Chemical peels are an excellent approach to improve the appearance of hyperpigmentation and skin issues such as melasma, pigmentation, age spots, patchy skin areas and discolorations from acne scarring. The noninvasive and non surgical peel treatment, which uses a combination of chemicals and acids to exfoliate the uppermost layers of the skin, can be given on the face, chest , neck, and hands. Advantages from a chemical peel will vary depending on the degree of depth and aggressiveness administered.
In fact, many patients have also been reported to give preference to chemical peels over any kind of laser treatment for dealing with hyper pigmentation alone. This can be performed using a more steady approach, with a sequence of “light” chemical peels (usually , a combination of, salicylic acid, glycolic acid Jessner's solution, hydroquinone, kogic acid, and resourcinal) or a more aggressive kind of peel, called trichloroacetic acid or also known as TCA peel (also popularized as a “blue” peel). Much more aggressive of these two approaches – the TCA peel – will generally need pre-treatment of the skin for 3-4 weeks before beginning with the procedure, for optimal results and to make sure that there are no unwanted outcomes from the peel itself. Pre-treatment includes at-the-home application of topical skin care products, including a product containing Retin A and hydroquinone and a topical product containing vitamin C serum. Often these products are used repeatedly after the procedure to help sustain and prolong your results.
TCA or deeper chemical peels are absolutely recommended for the problem as they do very well to treat hyperpigmentation. Good care should be taken, though as pigment irregularities and scarring can take place if not performed by a well trained and thoroughly experienced clinician with close follow-up.
After administering a chemical peel, it is a key to keep the area moist until the outer layer of skin has regenerated. Watch for indications of cold sores, allergy or infection as these can cause scarring if not treated rightfully.

Nothing controls melasma better than a chemical peel. Chemical peels combined with at-home prescription or bleaching creams, high-SPF sunscreen, and strict sun restraint can provide a better treatment for the recurring sun-prompted dark patches brought on by hormonal rush (like those caused by contraceptive Pill and the pregnancy).
Dermatologists have been using Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) peels, a close counterpart to vinegar, to do chemical peeling for at least 20 years. Some skin specialist, in fact, prefers TCA peels to any other modality for treating melasma, generally in accordance with prescription lotions. TCA peels are superlative and safe in the hands of a trained and expertise clinician. This is an excellent option, specifically if you have severe melasma. The cost usually ranges from Rs.1500-2000, depending on how aggressive the peel is, your doctor and the area you live in.
One benefit of using a TCA peel for Melasma is that it can simply be performed in your specialist's clinic and does not need any intravenous anesthesia or anesthesiology. Deep or aggressive TCA peels, because of the risk of irregular absorption, possible scarring, and blistering should only be done by a board-certified dermatologists or skilled plastic surgeons who are well trained in this procedure.
Lasers may make exalted assertions, yet "they're typically attempting to treat a light- and heat-sensitive condition with light and heat". Even when a laser does eradicate blotches initially, pigment make a reoccurrence weeks later, making lasers appear like an immense investment for a short-term rescue.
A chemical peel will let you toss your under-eye concealer. Most dermatologist and skin care experts prefer Glytone's new Enerpeel Technology Brightening Peel System that works significantly and safely on the genetic dark circles developed by piled-up pigment. They merit the ratio of the acid—15 % lactic acid in a non-drippy gel and 3.75 % TCA cautiously distribute through a pen applicator—and the supply system, which "rams the acid in deep, evading the epidermis to decrease irritation. A series of sessions may be required, but some patients notice a heartfelt improvement after just one.
With light acid peels, however, if the dermatologist or staff is not experienced, sometimes the acid can be assimilated more in one spot than another and leave temporary irritation, sensation and a dark mark. Darker skin is more vulnerable to this than lighter skin.
Glycolic peels can also go deep enough that they can sometimes create a blister, but scarring is uncommon. If you do plan to go the peel path for melasma, we recommend that you find a dermatologist-supervised aesthetician or practitioner experienced in doing these peels.
Any mild to moderate discomfort being caused by TCA peels can be dealt with Tylenol or some anti-inflammatory, and lasts only five to ten minutes.

Scarring can occur for a variety of reasons, including acne, wound and injury. Many consider scarring, particularly on the face, bothersome and look for quick ways to get rid of it. Treatment options vary depending on the profundity of the scar. Skin specialists recommend chemical peels as one option, particularly for scars close to the surface of the epidermis.
How Chemical Peels Work for Acne
A chemical peel is a comparatively safe and noninvasive procedure whereby a chemical is applied to the skin. When the chemical is peeled off, the top layer of the skin is shelled out, unearthing skin that is smoother, healthier, and more replenished. This procedure is effectively used to treat a number of skin problems, including dark spots, wrinkles, acne, scarring and sagging.
Types of Peels
There are 4 main kinds of chemical peels, and the major difference is the kind of chemical or acid being used. Alpha hydroxy acid is the mildest of the all the treatment solution. Glycolic acid is used essentially on the skin with sun damage. Trichloroacetic acid is primarily used for those with darker skin. Phenol is the strongest solution in chemical peels.
If a scar is near to the surface of the skin, the peel will eliminate the layer that has the scar. Most scars, however, are deeper. For those scars, chemical peels can be performed in intervals, with as maximum as 6 in a specified time duration. Many people announce a considerable improvement in their appearance.
Although there are no serious side effects linked to chemical peels, but certain types of skin may feel a little change in tone, and this can either be temporary or permanent. Sometimes scarring may appear which is flexibly treatable. It takes around 4-10 days for a chemical peel treatment to recover depending on the kind and the depth of peel used.
For maintaining Skin Care after a Chemical Peel, A skin specialist or a surgeon-supervised aesthetician will give specific care instructions after a chemical peel. Usually, you should keep away from the sun for a time
Other treatment options for scars include:
- Soft tissue fillers
- Dermabrasion
- Laser/Light therapy
- Laser resurfacing
- Fat transfers
- Punch Grafting
Sun-Damaged Skin

Light Peels
The most popular of these are light glycolic peels. These are generally performed either in a salon or more skillfully, generally, in a specialist's office where the surgeon or dermatologist is experienced to use different strengths of glycolic acid. There are also peels that comprise of a beta-hydroxy acid such as salicylic acid. These peels also remove away some layers of dead skin, help to cleanse pores, and are used in a series.
These low-strength gentle acids are blown onto formerly cleansed skin and then left on for few minutes. The acid in the Vitalize peel either self-neutralizes or is neutralized by the aesthetician or attendant doing the treatment. The skin will become little pink and feel stiff for a few days, and then it will peel, either microscopically or like mild sunburn.
Trichloroacetic acid Peel (TCA) – This is yet another extensively used peeling agent. Concentrations of 20 to 50 % are usually enrolled. TCA solution will bring about a superficial discharge of the stratumcorneum after a first application. A 20 % TCA solution impacts upon mid-epidermis, where a 50% solution impacts upper-dermis. TCA corrects severe sun damage, sun triggered spots, acne scars, skin wrinkling, skin cancers, and is only applied to the face.
Blue Peel – Unlike superficial procedures or alphahydroxy peels, the Blue Peel enables your practitioner to control the depth of the peel and the number of layers applied for the purpose to personalize the process to the skin's specific needs. It is a low concentration of the chemical Trichloroacetic (TCA) combined with a distinctive blue base to sedate penetration. It is used to improve sun caused spots, blemishes and discolored skin, smoothen scars, skin cancers, improve, brown spots, age spots, fine lines and tattoos. It can be administered on the hands, arms, neck, chest, and legs.
Phenol Chemical Peel is a procedure in which a processed phenol solution is gently rubbed over the skin of the face in order to burn the skin's outer layer, the epidermis, and parts of the dermis.
This is typically no distinct from the process that takes place after a restricted second-degree burn. The peeling off of a portion of the dermis triggers the development of new tissue and supports in encouraging a limited reconstructing of the skin. It is applied for severe cases of sun damaged skin, scarred skin, and deep wrinkles. It is only used on the face.
Though cosmetologists do not apply medical solutions, we play an elaborate role in the recovery of medically treated tissue.
Treatment Options
Other treatment options for sun-damaged skin includes:
- Laser/Light Therapy
- Laser Resurfacing
- Dermabrasion
- Microlipoinjection
- Non-ablative skin rejuvenation
- Photo dynamic therapy
Due to excessive sun damage, the following skin conditions can occur:
- Dehydration (most significant damage in the epidermis)
- Poor elasticity
- Thinning of dermis
- Hyperpigmentation
- Uneven pigmentation
- Attenuated nourishment
- Gathered dead skin cells
- Skin cancer
- Depleted immune response
- Inflammation
- Weaken capillaries
- Dryness
Sagging Skin

Chemical Peels for Sagging Skin
For the purpose of understanding a perfect way to treat skin laxity, skin firmness, it is crucial to understand the causes behind why your skin loses its elasticity and firmness.
These qualities are assigned to protein fibers in your skin like collagen.
Excessive introduction to UV rays as well as the existence of free radicals from food and environmental sources causes depletion to these fibers, thereby causing your skin to be less firm. Wrinkles possibly develop at this point.
Chemical peels fundamentally sermon to the surface of the skin. And outcomes will vary extensively across individuals. Lasers like Fraxel, offer more predictable and reliable results. The laser energy is converted into heat which stimulates the dermis layer to generate new collagen fibers.
Deep chemical peels (generally involving phenol or high degree of TCA combined with other compounds) are the only peels that can prompt permanent tightening, and the tightening is due to a permanent modification of the collagen in your skin. A reasonably strong (higher concentration, higher pressure of application, higher frost obtained) TCA peel can alleviate the adverse affects of sun damage, skin laxity and wrinkling. However, this type of peel involves 1 to 2 weeks of erythema (redness), edema, crusting and possibly peeling skin. Chemical peeling when performed appropriately by a board-certified, well-trained, experienced dermatologist can produce outstanding results. TCA 35% peel with heavy frost is an excellent thing and is reported to produce potential results in 4 to 6 weeks after the peel.
Alpha and beta hydroxyacid chemical peels provide the skin a softer look and removes fine lines and within 1 to 3 treatments. Light TCA chemical peels (including Obagi Blue Peels) use trichloroacetic acid to more robustly firm the skin and eliminate the wrinkles, lessen enlarged pores, and pigmentation. As TCA is more aggressive in characteristic, recovery time is surged.
Chemical peels, whether natural, botanical, or chemical are classified as: "medium-depth", or "deep" or "superficial".
A medium-depth chemical peel impacts the epidermis and the upper dermis, and a deep chemical peel impacts whole of the epidermis and a large part of the dermis. A superficial chemical peel affects the epidermal layer only. Medium depth, Superficial and peels can cause temporary tightening of the skin. This tightening is prompted by the body's response to the agent that was administered, for example an enzyme peel, a beta-hydroxy acid, or an alpha-hydroxy acid, will cause a burning reaction by the body, with temporary stiff feeling, and swelling in the skin followed by dehydration of the tissue, with an on-going tight appearance. Depending on the capacity of the agent applied, the tight appearance persists for 1 to 7 days. After the body's response has ceased, the skin will re-hydrate and resume to normal.
Treatment Options
Learn more about the treatment options for sagging skin
- Liposuction
- Laser resurfacing
- Neuromodulators
- Ultrasound therapy
Why choose chemical peels for sagging skin
Chemical peels rectify the appearance of sagging skin in the face and neck by applying a chemical solution to eliminate the outer layer of old skin. The new skin that replaces it is generally soft, supple and less wrinkled in appearance.
Also Chemical peels provide a comparatively cost-effective option for enhancing the appearance of drooping skin in the neck and jowl area. Fair-skinned and light-haired people are good candidates for the procedure.

Skin peels, particularly chemical ones, are an excellent approach to rejuvenate pale, dull, exhausted skin and help with issues such as acne marks, pigmentation, and fine lines, as well as sun damage. Chemical peels are also a way to roll back the years and unleash firmer, tighter, vibrant and younger skin without too much downtime, restoring that radiant glow we are disposed to lose as we age.
How Chemical Peels Work for Wrinkles
While laser treatments work by blazing up the top layer of skin, a chemical peel is a process whereby the surface of the skin, primarily the dead skin cells, is diffused using an assortment of ingredients.
The chemical solution applied on your skin causes mild distress to the epidermis of the skin, which then causes the outer layers to remove away. When the skin starts to heal, escalated cell growth generates a new, replenished healthier skin layer which offers the face a younger and fresher appearance.
The depth of the peel will differ as per the chemical or acid used and also its strength. Typically talking, though, the greater the proportion of chemical, the deeper the peel.
One of the deepest and strongest peels is the phenol peel and glycolic peel is the lightest. Other peels include the Amelan and the TCA peel.
Which peel is right for you for treatment of wrinkles?
Phenol peel being the strongest type will produce the most pronounced improvement in the skin appearance.
Phenol is recommended for and the treatment is generally self-contained for those with deep, rough lines and wrinkles, widespread sun damage, deep acne scars and uneven pigmentation. This particular peel is not appropriate for those with oily and dark complexions.
A full-face peel takes about 1 to 2 hours to get done but a more confined procedure can be used on particular areas such as wrinkling above the lip and usually takes less than half an hour.
A bit blazing sensation will happen but this is very less as the solution also plays the role of an anaesthetic.
Just one procedure is adequate to see substantial outcomes. The effects are prolonged. In some cases they can be noticeable even after 20 years. Improvements in the skin conditions can be startling. You need to allow up to 15 days for recovery.
Some patients might feel minimal discomfort and slight swelling after a deep peel, but this can be controlled with medication.
At-Home Peels
Home peel package kits are also an excellent way of keeping and maintaining skin in good, healthy condition, triggering circulation and cell turnover.
Treatment Options
Other treatment option available for wrinkles includes:
- Soft-tissue fillers
- Dermabrasion
- Microdermabrasion
- Neuromodulators
- Laser resurfacing
- Laser/light therapy
- Non-ablative laser resurfacing
- Ultrasound therapy
- Fat transfers
Choosing a correct type of peel for one or different kind of skin concerns can be confusing, but a dermatologist or an aesthetician will be able to advise you on the most befitting peel for your skin type. We always advise on using a good glycolic product for 2 weeks prior the treatment to prepare the skin.
Call us to get appointment with our dermatologist to learn more about Glycolic/Chemical Peels.
What people have to say on Chemical Peels
Trying to Get Back to Flawless Skin After Adult Acne
I was spoken into getting the Apeele peel vs my usual ultra Jessner. I am so happy it was on special offer for half off. This peel really did the positive to me. It was an excellent deep peel. It made lot of marks disappeared from my forehead. The process was all in all a good experience. It actually inflamed and sting less during the application process than the Jessner.
Originally Posted on: https://www.realself.com/review/warner-robins-chemical-peel-back-flawless-skin-after-adult-acne?offset=4&sle=0c
Chemical Peel
Mind blowing results in just single session peeling should be done every 2 weeks as it improves the skin texture, complexion and confidence.
I have been provided the bridal peel also known as yellow peel within a week it began exfoliating and the appearance of my skin became clearer with each passing day and I can see a better me, new me and all I am waiting now is for a more change in me
Originally Posted on: https://www.realself.com/review/perfect-woman-aesthetics-center-a-tower-versova-andheri-west-mum-61-chemical?offset=8&sle=0
63 Year Old Doesn't Want a Facelift but Needed Help with Sun Damage and Aging - Portland, OR
Not aware of whom was gazing back at me in the mirror but I was dead set by then I so badly need to do something about all my aging problems and sun damage. It appeared to me as if my face was on vacation to Maldives these last 3 years. I was too poltroon to get a facelift as because clearly do not wanting to look like an artificial doll or as far as someone else and not wanting something surgical or invasive so I investigated for the chemical peels and was overwhelmed with the results of the Bensipeel and RF Skin Tightening from looking at the before and after photos. I also feel so glad with the emergence and continuance of improvements with the process. I am so jubilant with my results for the anti aging chemical peel procedure that I had from a licensed and a renowned dermatologist. I particularly bear no pain, some inconvenience with the bismuth mask but my mask lasted for about 7 days. It plummets as your skin heals. I am so glad I decided to go this track. The only stumbling block for this I would say is to that now my neck doesn't match my firmer looking face so I guess I'll have to further ask my Dr. what they can do for that! I highly recommend this procedure.
Originally Posted on: https://www.realself.com/review/portland-oregon-chemical-peel-63-year-facelift-needed-sun-damage-aging?offset=2&sle=0
Great Option for Reducing Stubborn Hyper-pigmentation! -
My brown spots were not only the outcome of my increasing age, but also the polluted environment and dehydrated weather conditions we live in made it even more worse. Consulting many skin surgeons and dermatologists, I was literally in great confusion. I consulted a dermatologist, they suggested me chemical peel treatment, and to my fortunate, I had really gained excellent outcomes with the Melanage chemical peel and would highly recommend it to people looking to dissipate dark spots and fade freckles on your face. It is a very simple procedure, comparatively painless, and produces great results. The only catch is that you have to be prepared to tackle with the few complications the initial few days and then be meticulous about adhering to the daily skin care routine at home. For them, who already follow a healthy AM/PM skin care routine, it will be easy to keep up with this.
The peel itself takes about 20 minutes or so and I had my done by a licensed dermatologist and cosmetologist. They just rub your skin clean with an alcohol based solution (be careful, it inflames your nose! at least I got that burning sensation for a while) and then apply a mask. I was asked to keep it on for 7 hours. You are surely going to want to lock up somewhere during this time because you will look like the clown. I had some problems with my eyes began to agonize towards the completion and slashed it to 6.5 hours instead of the full 7 before rinsing it off. You then clean it off with the comprised facial cleanser and then apply their anti-rash and redness soothing lotion and Bingo, done! Easy!
To be very honest, the next few days are going to be a bit harsh on your face! This was my 2nd peel and I had it on longer so the impacts were more prominent this time around. That night and the next subsequent day felt like I had poorly passable sunburn and so I would put icepacks on my face to calm down my skin. . The area surrounding my jaw line and mouth was particularly sensitive and was immensely raw, red, and scaly. In the awe-inspiring gamut of things this is not a ultra discomforting task to do but be willing to feel like you have an ugly sunburn for about a week.
After the first night of peel you'll start using the included anti-redness lotion and a cleanser. The anti-redness lotions in the AM until you are redirect to the mind-bogglingly breathtaking embracing soothing system the next week. In the PM you will keep using the cleanser and start to use the Melanage 2 cream which comprises of many of the same components as the initial masque. I had to hang back a few days because I was so crude and peeling before I began to apply it.
The first time I did this peel my freckles that I've had since so long or to be very honest since my early teens were nearly unnoticeable after about a month and I'm already noticing results on my 2nd peel just some days after application. After my 1st peel I was not as cautious about staying out of the sun and my skin is specifically vulnerable to hyper-pigmentation so lesson learnt for this time around!
Originally Posted on: https://www.realself.com/review/centreville-va-chemical-peel-great-option-reducing-stubborn-hyper-pigmentation?offset=13&sle=0